Tantamount guides for writers

As a publisher and provider of editorial services, at Tantamount we see a lot of self-published works and manuscripts in various states and stages of progress, and we deal with many writers, editors, artists, as well as other experienced and aspiring writing professionals. Through this work we’ve noticed a number of common misunderstandings, as well as a few mistakes that crop up time and again, ranging from basic questions about digital formats to confusion about image resolution, formatting or the use of fonts.

We’ve looked at some of these issues on this blog, but have now decided to bring out a series of simple guides for writers.

The first – a basic Guide to digital publishing – has been available to download for some time, but we are now adding two more: Write on track which covers aspects of typography and layout, and The big picture, which looks at using digital images in publications. We will be adding more typography and image guides to the series later on, as well as other guides dealing with basic grammar and punctuation issues.

There is much to be said on each of these subjects, of course, and these are only basic guides and introductions, intended to clarify some points and give a simple, non-technical overview of others so that you have enough information to follow up with further research if you want.

Tantamount Writing Guides: Digital Publishing

Digital Publishing Guide

Tantamount Writing Guides: The Big Picture

The Big Picture

Tantamount Writing Guides: Write on Track

Write on Track

A full list and descriptions of guides currently available can be found on the blog’s Tantamount Guides page. We hope you find them useful.

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